F03MSV-ND / F03MSV-NIPC / F05MSV-N Non-Compensated (Cast Iron)
F03MSV-ND Flow Control Valve, Non-Compensated with Check
This modular stack valve is a non-compensated flow control valve with a check valve for reverse free flow. This valve increases its orifice value from fully closed to fully open with counter-clockwise rotation. Meter-in or meter-out configuration is determined by the orientation of the body to mounting surface. Available with flow control function on line A, B, or both A + B.
F03MSV-NIPC Pressure Port flow control with Direct Operated Series Check Valve
Flow control valve on the pressure port with a check valve in series to prevent back flow. It is made as a modular version with mounting surface according to the NFPA D03/ISO 4401-03 standards. Typically, it mounts sandwiched between a directional control valve and a subplate/manifold and functions as a flow limiting device. It is used when it is necessary to control the flow in one direction and to prevent back-flows in the opposite direction. Control of the flow is obtained with a socket hex screw and locking nut.
F05MSV-N Flow Control Valve, Non-Compensated with Check
This is a non-compensated flow control valve with a check valve for reverse free flow. This valve increases its orifice value from fully closed to fully open with counter-clockwise rotation. Available with check valve on line A, B or both lines, for meter-in and meter-out.
Key Features:
- Maximum operating pressure: 5000 psi
- Maximum flow rate: (Controlled lines / free lines)
F03MSV-ND (13 / 20 gpm)
F03MSV-NIPC (13.2 / 20 gpm)
F05MSV-N (32 gpm)