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F12M (Cast Iron)


The Flow Control Valve is pressure compensated to maintain constant flow out of the valve regardless of
pressure changing to the inlet or outlet port. Exclusive internal pressure balancing allows easy adjustment of flow setting under pressure. Pressure compensation will maintain preset flow with 1 to 5%, depending on the basic flow range, as long as there is 150 psi pressure differential between the inlet and outlet ports. The dial is calibrated for easy and repeatable flow settings. Continental Hydraulics’ unique sharp edged orifice design means that the valve is immune to temperature or fluid viscosity changes. This valve is internally drained, therefore, eliminating the drain piping.

Key Features:
  • Flow rates maximum 16.5 gpm
  • Minimum controlled flow 20 cipm
  • Maximum pressure 3000 psi
  • Minimum pressure compensation 150 psi
  • Mounting interface NFDPA 2F06

F12M Flow Control Valve Rev. 9-19

Size: 433.17 KB
Hits: 1530
Date added: 07-29-2020
Date modified: 07-29-2020
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